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What is Asset Under Management (AUM) in Mutual Funds

Before learning about AUM, let us know a little about AMCs. AMC stands for Asset Management Company and manages and operates the mutual funds. It pools money from retail and institutional investors and invests that fund in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. AMCs have dedicated research teams and fund managers […]

7 mins read

What is Debt Mutual Funds: Invest in the Best Debt Funds in India

What are Debt Mutual Funds? Debt mutual fund is a category of mutual fund that invests in fixed-income instruments such as Corporate and Government bonds, commercial papers, treasury bills, state development bonds, etc. (T-bills are short-term debt instruments or money market instruments that the government of India issues. These are generally given for 91 days, […]

8 mins read

How does the Price of Oil affect the Stock Market?

Oil prices can significantly impact the stock market and are closely inter-related. Oil is an important commodity that contributes to the growth or downfall of an economy and is extensively applied in various industries. Oil prices are defined by a complex interplay of supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, production decisions by major oil-producing countries, […]

7 mins read

Which is Better: Fixed Deposit or Residential Property Investment

What is Real Estate? Real Estate is considered as a long-term investment option. It is a kind of risky investment when compared to fixed deposits. Despite fluctuations in the prices of the property over the years, real estate carries great potential to appreciate your invested capital. It’s a broad and diverse asset class that encompasses […]

8 mins read

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